Collaboration is Key


Lead generation comes from building relationships and becoming a trusted source. One of the best ways to do that is through collaboration with other business owners and trusted sources. Collaboration is the future of social. By creating networks that are working towards a common goal you can offer your customers more than ever before and reach a wider demographic of prospective members.

As a gym owner you’re most concerned with lead generation in a fifteen mile radius around your club because that is where many of your new members are coming from. Now, unless they are friends and family of members or you’re advertising heavily they might not have any connection with you. The key is finding a way to get in front of them that is both natural and positive.


This is where collaboration really makes its mark. Take a look at the businesses in your area and reach out to those who have health and fitness as a common goal. Share information and promotion. Whether it’s a healthy restaurant, a sporting goods or equipment rental store, or even a few event planners  make contact and get creative! A great support system makes getting results much easier. A network has so much to offer your gym and your members, and you have so much to offer in return.

Not only will this diversify your audience of potential members, but it’s also a great way to further connect and interact with your community. Collaboration is key. It’s a great way to add value to your members and get your community more actively involved in your business through events, groups, and discussions.


Brand Love


No one spends their hard earned money on a product or a service that they don’t want to love. We dig into our wallets in the hopes that the money we spend will be worth the work we’ve each put into earning it. As businesses we feel the same way. The trick is to not only offer an amazing product or service, but to consistently connect with the people that are looking for what we’re offering.


Social media is about consistency, systems, and layering. Put out a consistent brand message and reach out to the groups and to the people in your potential member base. Most clubs do best when they have one or two people designated to focus on social media duties. The importance of having a strong system comes into play where there are any changes to that team.


Having a system to create continuity in your message and your posting schedule is vital to keeping a consistent brand message flowing. Love your business, love your social media platforms and love your members.. They’ll be sure to love you in return.

Net those Notifications


So you’ve got your content under control. You’re giving out golden nuggets of social media goodness on a regular basis. The part of your online tribe that sees those beautiful nuggets of fitness gold are loving them. The people that follow and like your platform do it because they want to hear what you have to say. Things get tricky, however, when only the members of your tribe that regularly engage with you online have your posts show up in their feeds.


In an ideal world, all of our followers would feel comfortable and excited about engaging online, but it doesn’t always work that way. They can’t engage with what they aren’t seeing. By clicking the “Get Notifications” option on Facebook, those active interested members who aren’t regularly seeing your posts will ensure that you’re information will become part of their regular feed.

Here’s how they would go about it. Go to your brand’s profile page, and click on the “Liked” button to the right of the profile picture. Select “Get Notifications.” Now, anytime you post, your members who chose that option will be alerted with a notification and it is certain to appear in their News Feed. It’s that easy.


Increase your incentive, try combining real world actions with an online request. Let your members know in house that you will be running a few awesome online contests during the month that they will want to be a part of. By setting up “Get Notifications” through their profile they will be sure not to miss out on all of your awesome tips and giveaways.

Net those notifications, increase your engagement, and get visible online!! Let’s do this thing.

Less Is More


In this day and age we all love information, but in the world of social media sometimes the acronym “TMI” still applies. The key to a great social media campaign, much like the key to leading a healthy and active lifestyle is consistency. Say it with me, lather, rinse, repeat. Great now stick with it.


The key to keeping your strong and consistent system in place is to not overwhelm yourself on every platform under the sun on a daily basis. Pick your battles and choose the time and money you spend wisely according to the leads and the revenue that each platform can generate for you. Don’t over post. Instead make the posts you add matter.

Run some smart ad campaigns, but don’t bombard your online tribe with content that always feels like a sales pitch. Photo and video content is king. Keep your tribe in the know, keep things exciting, and when less is more, boost the posts that you really want them to see!


It can be a challenge to find the right balance between all of the information you have and the genuine connections that you’re making. To do this keep your posts short and sweet overall. Sometimes the occasion will arise to add longer posts  and it should be done sparingly to give your tribe helpful information that they want and can put into practice. Pair down and go big!

The Fab Five


In the wonderful world of health and fitness we make a point of assessing our goals and then revisiting them every so often to see where we stand. Take advantage of those now well honed assessment skills and focus them like a laser beam right at your social media campaign.

Because we geeks at The Click are chock full of ewwie gooey helpful goodness we want to offer up what we’d like to call the Fab Five for your perusing pleasure. These are Five ultra fabulous social media strategy assessment questions you should be asking yourself when looking to devise a spectacular social media system for your club.



  1. What do you feel are the most important elements to your club/product culture? What is it that fills you with unique specialness? What kinds of great things do you have to offer your members and the world around you? Don’t be afraid to get specific and make a great big list!
  2. What are your greatest challenges with social media? Not that any of us like to admit it, but we know what we struggle with. We also know what frustrates us. If we’re not getting the exact outcome that we want then it’s time to focus in on those piddly areas of annoyance and make some changes.
  3. What specifics do you need help with? We can’t always go it alone and knowing where our strengths and weaknesses are is the first step to start firing on all cylinders. If you’re a strategy guru, but really feel like you could benefit from some new graphics, hone in and use a graphic upgrade to spark new excitement on your platform!
  4. What are your long term and short term social media goals and how are you tracking them? Tracking, tracking, tracking, in order to make sure that you’re getting what you want it’s crucial to know what it is and be able to measure it. All the very best goals are measurable.
  5. Do you have any key deadlines? In all of the excitement of change sometimes it’s easy to overlook those key club deadlines on your social media platforms. Most of those deadlines, however, are tied to cool events and club news that both your members and perspective members would love to know. Sharing is caring, get the good stuff out there!!


Social media connection and social media glory is out there, but much like all things in life, first you have to know who you are and what you want before you can make the most of it. Breaking out the Fab Five Social media assessment you’re already off and running! And hey, if you have questions run on over to us geeks. We’ll help you turn your answers into shiny shiny systems of your very own.

Twas The Week Before Fitmas


Twas the week before Fitmas, when all through the web
The Fitness Industry was bustling, the workload had yet to ebb.
The kettlebells sat polished on the rack with care,
In hopes that new members would soon be there.


The coaches were loading weights atop their sleds,
While visions of the prowler push danced in their heads.
And our GM in her ‘kerchief, and I in my cap,
Had settled in front of the computer to ensure no posting gap


“The holidays are tricky,” she said with a surety.
We must maintain consistency, content, and message purity.
Then, from the corner of my inbox arose such a clatter
I minimized my browser to see what was the matter

Away to my outlook I flew like a flash,
Clicked open the window and skipped over the trash.

The FitnessClick e-mail was as fresh as new-fallen snow
It had beautiful graphics and content below.
When, what to my wondering eyes should appear,
But a perfectly timed pro-tip, with nerdy good cheer.


“Give yourself more time and do it right quick,
Pre-schedule you holiday posts before playing Ole Fit St Nick.”
From the calendar of post prompts the ideas they came,
And I whistled, and shouted, and tagged members by name!

Posts about motivation, now diet! Now, lifting and classes!
Posts to inspire everyone everywhere to get off their asses.
From deep weighted squats, to bouncing medicine balls off the wall!
Oh yes, there would be fitness! Fitness for all!”


I slumped in my seat and took a swig of post workout shake
This online enthusiasm creates fittie joy you can’t fake
I scrolled through my activity log and took in the sight,
“A Happy Fitmas to all,” I whispered, “and to all a good-night!”

Are You Overtraining Your Social Media Platform?


You posted seventeen times today, your fingers are cramping, and your eyes are permanently refocused to the screen that’s been two centimeters in front of your face for ages. Now, after all of that effort, what you really want to know is: where the heck are the results? Check those statistics again. Guess what, those likes haven’t increased and neither has the post reach.  Confused? Don’t worry, we have you covered.


I can tell you that your statistics haven’t changed because by this point I’m just short of being hard wired Minority Report style to the various social media platforms you use most often. Remember post number fifteen? You know the one, it was the shining example of your club culture that set you laughing for a good five minutes when you found it. Why is it, that out of everything you posted good ole number fifteen only got a couple of responses?

I’ll tell you why, that beautiful miraculous gem that you couldn’t wait to share got filtered.


I know, I know, it’s cruel really- an online version of the Hunger Games. Your District 12 just got stomped over something as simple as post frequency. There was just too much competition from your own page for any of those later posts to succeed. Over posting on a platform like Facebook is exactly like overtraining. Posting too frequently during the day will exceed your community’s capacity to engage with your content. Facebook filters kick in to protect individual users from being bombarded indiscriminately by the pages with the most posts. This means while content  is still key, much like training, frequency has to be accounted for.


When you find those perfect gems of content make them the stars of your daily posting. Give them the best times and don’t add in a bunch of noise around them. When those posts stand out so will you. Your message and your culture will shine and your members will connect.

Want to know more? Contact us at FitnessClick Social.