Brand Love


No one spends their hard earned money on a product or a service that they don’t want to love. We dig into our wallets in the hopes that the money we spend will be worth the work we’ve each put into earning it. As businesses we feel the same way. The trick is to not only offer an amazing product or service, but to consistently connect with the people that are looking for what we’re offering.


Social media is about consistency, systems, and layering. Put out a consistent brand message and reach out to the groups and to the people in your potential member base. Most clubs do best when they have one or two people designated to focus on social media duties. The importance of having a strong system comes into play where there are any changes to that team.


Having a system to create continuity in your message and your posting schedule is vital to keeping a consistent brand message flowing. Love your business, love your social media platforms and love your members.. They’ll be sure to love you in return.

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