Why You Need Vine To Build Your Health And Fitness Brand



Vine is shiny, it’s engaging, it’s fun and it has a lot more going for it than just novelty. If you haven’t tried using Vine to create charming and innovative videos for your brand, you’re missing out on roughly 40 million registered users on their platform alone.

Vine can be used to present your health and fitness brand with a clever way to take advantage of visual contents amazing ability to perform on social media. Why should you take a little look-see? I’m so glad you asked.

1. It’s convenient and free.


It comes in a wonderfully portable free mobile app form, for your filming and video editing pleasure. Vine goes wherever you go, well, as long as your smartphone gets to tag along with you. Technically it takes six seconds to film your clip. Not the agonizing end of HIIT kind of seconds, but the good kind. The easy-peasy lemon-squeezy kind. We like those. Then all you have to do is press share.


2. It’s easy to use.


There are six seconds of content that go into a Vine video. Six seconds, we’re not painting the Sistine Chapel. The nice thing is that you don’t need to have spent four years in film school to turn out a decent video on Vine. Here’s the easy to use part. Are you ready? Hold your finger on the screen to record and take it off to pause. It’s that simple. Really. You can record straight through uninterrupted, or if you’re feeling feisty, you can use the stop-motion feature to shoot your own animated shorts. See creative. High five.


5. It’s instructional.


In the land of health and fitness we love us some show and tell. Vine loves it some quick and creative tutorials. Share a few pro-tips, give your tribe a chance to see behind the curtain of a few of your staff member’s very own health and fitness habits. Do what you do best, it gives you another avenue to show off what a valuable resource your brand is, how much fun you are, and how trust worthy and relatable.

By utilizing Vine, you create stellar content quick. So. Much. Content. We love that, because the truth is, the more ways you have of rephrasing your message, the better you’re able to build your brand and connect with your online tribe. Think about it, have someone film you thinking about it, make your first video. Go on, try it out. You know you want to.

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